An Interface to handle your Data

A Visualizer for your Datasets.Simple process to make a good Analysis of Most famous Datasets Data. Built in features for Data Accessibility.

Run Console


Analysis of Data

Analysis of Data becomes easy with Huge Datasets


Optimize your Work

Simplifies the task of dealing with datasets and understanding their frequencies


Easy Design

Simple Interface to peek and Vitualize Data

  • Statistical Information

    Get Mean,Max,Min Values of your Dataset without using any commands to type

  • Plotting & Graphing

    Select your desired Visualization Tool to get info about your Data .Customize and plot your desired data features at one Go..!

  • Connecting Nodes of Data Properties

    find most usefull features and ignore unnecessary input features,which is usefull for building accurate Machine Learning models.

Datasets which are Built-in for Console Preview

Common Datasets which are used by DataScience and Machine Learning students for their Practice. Few of them are listed below: